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What is our approach to prevention efforts in NC?

Focus on Youth

The NCPGP focuses on youth problem gambling prevention because youth are gambling earlier and earlier each year. We believe that by preventing gambling at early ages, we are decreasing the number of youth who will live with problem gambling as adults. In addition, adolescents and college-age students have higher prevalence rates for problem gambling than adults. This means that we are not only providing prevention at younger ages, but we are also focusing our treatment efforts on adolescents and college-age students. To learn more about youth problem gambling, please visit the Teens or Parents section to learn more.

Public Health Approach

The NCPGP has embraced the public health approach to prevention efforts in North Carolina. This approach takes into consideration the problem gambling risk and protective factors that affect the individual, family and community while taking into consideration the social determinants of health. The social determinants of health are the social and economic conditions that can influence individual and group differences in health status. These health differences and other risk factors can increase a person’s risk for developing addictions and mental and physical health disorders.

Social Emotional Learning

We support the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction in its delivery of Social Emotional Learning (SEL). This is the process through which youth and adults understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. We believe that SEL will serve as a protective factor to minimize more intense behavioral health needs in the future, such as addictions and mental and physical health disorders. We also support the development of engaged, justice-oriented students who become collaborators in addressing inequity and social determinants of health.